About Me

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I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition and requirements for Registered Dietician R.D. I plan to run my first full marathon in 2009. This blog is about everything I learn, eat, and do along the way. Cheers!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Body: The campus gym is closed 9-10 and 11-12.. poo! I got to campus at 9 and started reading before I checked the hours. It figures I wanted to go durig the hours they were closed! Maybe I can be the work-study person for those hours and keep it open! Instead, I took a nice fast walk around campus total 32 minutes...I am going to do some more yoga, strength train, shower and lots more walking while I shop for chairs, books, etc. then walk around campus again before class!

Mind: I read 2 chapters from the 2 books for todays Research Methods Class (once I got to campus and printed them !) and I also read Chp.1,3 and part of 4 for my class wednesday Minority Populations and Health Disparities ( one of my fav topics!). I will finish chp 4 probably before class wednesday. Seriously-- Who assigns homework readings BEFORE classes even START.. DUE on the FIRST DAY OF CLASS!?!?!?! Well- It IS graduate school-I am just not sure once I get the MRI on my knee and see if I can be cleared to go back to work how I am going to get it all done. But I will!

Soul: Yoga 45 minutes (total).
Yoga ALWAYS helps me breathe better and feel less stressed so I thought it was a great warmup to my day! My latest goal is to do yoga three (mornings) a week. It may also help Jeff wake up earlier for work - win win !


Smoothies!!!!! I asked Jeff last night if he wanted a smoothie for breakfast and he answered so emphatically Ooo Smoothies, Yes!! I almost didnt believe him!
I am glad you like them so much Jeff!
Today's Recipe
*No pic and this recipe was split in two, and I scarfed down mine because I was starving when I woke up!

1.5 scoops pure protein
1 cup 1% milk
1 big glob of greek yogurt plain
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup frozen blueberries
Topped with Just Bunches cereal and 1 tsp ground flax seed on each cup

Flax seeds are like minature sunflower seeds (the inside part, not their shell). They provide an EXCELLENT source of omega 3 Fatty Acids, and fiber (cellulose) and protein and lignans too!!
The omega -3's are super helpful in regulating brain, cell, and heart functioning, they are also helpful in lowering cholesterol. In my advanced nutrient metabolism class, lipids arent until the end of the semester. So you'll have to wait for more good info on omega 3's and Fatty Acids!

(post pic later)
Mixed Veggies steamed
Annies Mac and Cheese
green tea!

Hooray for more omega 3's ( which also are thought to have anti-inflammatory properties)!

Dinner: will be at Jeff's parents (yes again, can you tell I really enjoy spending time with his family? I love them as much as my own!)
I think london broil is on the menu and I may try to throw together a desert for them...