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I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition and requirements for Registered Dietician R.D. I plan to run my first full marathon in 2009. This blog is about everything I learn, eat, and do along the way. Cheers!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bumble Bar Surprise!

I ran some errands, went to the gym and grocery shopped a little... and came home to this

The Amazing People at BumbleBar ( Click here to Visit There Site ) sent me a package!!!!!!
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I was so excited to try ONE of these Bumblebars because

  • The Bumble Bar is gluten-free, wheat free, dairy free, and ceritified organic AND rich in flax seeds! I have whole flaxseed, ground flaxseed, Flaxseed butter and oatmeal with flaxseed in it, and Uncle Sam Cereal with flaxseeds. Yet, I haven't yet tried a bar with a good source of flaxseed until now!
  • Check out this older post, http://runlmo1.blogspot.com/2008/11/nuts-lna-and-cla.html for more healthy fat info about nuts and Flaxseeds!
  • Here is some info from their site"Flaxseeds contain an abundance of life-enhancing Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). Omega 3 EFAs maintain healthy cell structure and help protect against heart disease, cancer, arthritis and more. EFAs are thought to bolster your energy, improve hormone regulation, improve immunity and reduce stress. Flax seeds also represent one of the best dietary sources of lignans, a class of phytoestrogens that nutritionists say protect against breast, colon and prostate cancers."

I thought they would send me one or two.... THEY SENT 12 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Pam and Glenn and everyone at Bumble Bar!

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There are all 12 and Jack! They range in calories from about 180-230 , have about 8-11 g Fat ( Healthy Fat!!), have about 5-7 g protein and 4 g of filling Fiber.

A good option for vegan, organic snack. I tried my first one ( Jack was SOO intrigued, I gave him the first little bite)

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Review: Cherry Chocolate.

I enjoyed it because you could SEE the flaxseeds AND the cherries. It TASTED like what "healthiness" should in a very refreshing way. Larabars are a very similar comparison but they are different. Bumblebars are made with sesame seed, and I could taste it very much so. I am not a fan of sesame seed, but I did like the thin and wide shape of Bumblebar, it takes you longer to eat this ( which I liked). I hate eating a tiny skinny bar that has 200 + calories and leaves you feeling like you hadn't had anything at all.

I also enjoyed this bar because I have studied just how healthy flax seeds are and would choose a bumble bar to get in some CLA, Fiber, and Omega-3's. I am not certain if everyone would enjoy this particular flavor though (the others all sound fantastic). Jack loved it but he's not a fair judge). I CANNOT WAIT to try the lemon, oh and the chai, or the cashew, and the original flavor that started it all too!

Here was my lunch: Leftover Pasta Bake and A slice of Turkey and.. A chocolate window!

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LizNoVeggieGirl said...


Anonymous said...

Yay for free products! Thanks for the review!

HangryPants said...

They sound delicious!