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I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition and requirements for Registered Dietician R.D. I plan to run my first full marathon in 2009. This blog is about everything I learn, eat, and do along the way. Cheers!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pumpkin Pie For One and Closed on Sunday

Breakfast :
Pumpkin Pie For One

1 BLOG 015
I had used up the last of my canned organic pumpkin puree from Trader Joes, so I bought Libby's. Its so much brighter orange than the organic- I wonder if its fake like how brown sugar is really refined white sugar with coloring & molasses added back to it??

The texture was also very different than my previous recipes.
For the crust I just microwaved steel cut oats with water and spread it out aroudn the bottom of the bowl.

For the filling, I took 1/4 cup Libby's Pumpkin, 1/4 plus 1/8 cup of egg whites, sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice, sprinkle of sugar and mixed it all very well. Microwaved that for 2 minutes ( my microwave kinda stinks so it took me another 2 minutes ).

I put the filling onto the crust and topped with a little unsweetened coconut and nonfat Oikos Greek Yogurt (plain).

The filling texture was much more like pie than my previous versions, I used too much pie spice but I ate every bite. Jeff tried it but he said after "I hate pumpkin stuff" so I don't know if he is a fair judge.

We were going to head to some dealerships to test drive Toyota Tacoma's and Dodge Dakota's...but just realized they are CLOSED ON SUNDAYS! Bah humbug! So not sure what we will do, some errands, maybe a trip to the trail for a run ( but he plays hockey tonight so we'll see!)


LizNoVeggieGirl said...


Ahh too bad about the dealership :-(

Anonymous said...

mmm love the pumpkin pie for one!

Erica said...

I love the new background!! I love this idea of pumpkin pie for one. Libbys is really orange. I need to start buying oranic pumpkin. Enjoy your Sunday night!!