About Me

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I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition and requirements for Registered Dietician R.D. I plan to run my first full marathon in 2009. This blog is about everything I learn, eat, and do along the way. Cheers!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not breakfast

Dessert! ( Last night- after the movie! Kashi Heart to Heart, Mini Peanut Butter Cups, Dark Choc chips, a little organic pb on top of ice cream. Butter pecan ( leftover from andrea's dessert)... and now breakfast ( I woke up too late to run before shopping- my knee is sore anyway so I take it as it comes- run today or tomorrow probably)

egg white burritos... i spread some hummus on the mini whole wheat tortilla's (2) then wrapped em in egg whites ( 4) , Frozen blueberries (1/3 cup) and 3 strawberries..

Suduko is tough today! I got a hard one from the paper and its taking forever! I think I will read SFN... almost half way and I have to get it done this weekend. That has been the nice thing with grad school- I can still go to friend's weddings/vaca's and just take my reading/writing with me.
I love school- I know ...me => nerd!


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Mmm, love the eats!!

I still can't understand Suduko, haha ;0)

Happy Thursday!!

B_Hlthy said...

Oh! you have to get each number 1-9 in every row and in ever column and in each box without repeating any number.

So I start by looking at the most common numbers given- like if there are a bunch of 3 's... i look to fill in a 3 for every box without repeating... then I continute with other numbers and use the idea that " it can't be in this square so it must be over here"... to fill in the rest.


there is an easier level,with "how am i doing" so you can check it as you go

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Thanks!! :0)