About Me

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I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition and requirements for Registered Dietician R.D. I plan to run my first full marathon in 2009. This blog is about everything I learn, eat, and do along the way. Cheers!

Friday, November 21, 2008

celebrity spotting

okay, no not me ( i doubt that will happen)

and she wasn't even a real "Celebrity"..

Anyone watching this season of The Biggest Loser knows Heba...

Well, I get called into my appointment ( the OBGyn) and get weighed. Note* I will be sidetracking several times... Soo I am wearing a heavy sweater, shirt, jeans and boots. It is winter and I dress accordingly- How is that accurate to weigh someone in their shoes and heavy clothing? The scale said 127 which kinda bummed me out at first- but then I realized I had all this crap on me- Seriously doctors, that is not an accurate way of weighing people? So then I sat down and got my blood pressure (105/67 ) yikes that is low i thought to myself. I am waiting for my nurse to measure my height and guess who walks by ???
I immediately thought " oh I know her, I think that is andrea's friend, where do i know her from.... "

"Heba!???" as she smiled at me like yes, you are right.... its me. WHOOOOOAAA!

This girl was absolutely gorgeous and she was having an OBGyn appointment at MY Obgyn! How weird! And, she entered the show because she wanted to have kids and couldnt because she weighed like what, 280 + lbs ? She is definately un-recognizable as far as weight goes, maybe like 160-170- She is really tall too though.. She said this week is Thanksgiving week and the producers made them all act like they were having real thanksgiving or something.

Anyway- How cool is that?!!? We both said nice to meet you and went on our ways... but then.. AFTER the doctor's appointment , I stopped at the Trader Joes right by there, and pulled into HER parking spot as she was leaving there too. How funny and coincidental!