About Me

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I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition and requirements for Registered Dietician R.D. I plan to run my first full marathon in 2009. This blog is about everything I learn, eat, and do along the way. Cheers!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Half Grapefruit and A smoothie: vanilla protein, milk, banana, pb, blueberries
1 BLOG 008

Salmon Burger on a Thin with thawed frozen veggies and the last sprinkling of reduced fat feta...

1 BLOG 011 1 BLOG 013

1 BLOG 014


no photo- battery- ( i don't think its the camera- i just take a ton of pics and forget to charge the battery!)
Grilled Chicken Breast with lots of veggies

Walk with Jack (10 minutes). He ran away yesterday when we got to Jeff's parents- STINKER! He stunk when he decided 7 hours later to show up... Thankfully Jeff gave him a bath...

Moving all the furniture around wasn't really all that difficult but it counts!

YogaDownload: Sort of.... I clicked the download link and it kept getting stuck !? I got the pose guide and just followed that. I was surprised at how easy it was to follow without vocal instruction. I wish it worked though- I will not give up.

Meringue and Samba practice thanks to Dancing with the Stars DVD...

Gym Cardio: 30 minutes ellipticizing...

Read through the ADA journal for this month again. I really enjoyed an article on refined sugars- detailing exactly what the craze of agave nectar is, difference in all sugars- from maple syrup, honey, white sugar, turbinado sugar , agave etc etc. ! I will try to post a better recap of it tomorrow since I think yall would enjoy it!

Jeff is in VA getting his brand new truck!! So excited for him, and I am so excited for us. I can't wait to camp on the beach, cook up deliciousness with his new grill, listen to the ocean while falling asleep...

Laundry and grocery shopping and cleaning and cleaning and sweeping.

I re-arranged our living room and thus will re-arrange our bedroom as well. I haven't decided if I liked it or not yet. One thing is my computer is in a new spot and I don't know if Jeff will see from where he sits now- so I know at first Jeff will probably hate it- but only because he hates change like that unless he can really see the improvement. Anyway, I have the night alone to watch Golden Globes, Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters... It seems as though its the calm before the storm with semester beginning this week for me. I also will attempt to "get a job" in the next couple days as well.

We have an busy January- this weekend I believe is our "spa" day and then dinner out with KC Mo and her boyfriend, Jeff's other sister Missy Mo and her hubby Vern and Me and Jeff- The following weekend is our romantic getaway to a cabin in the mountains, the following is the last of january and we will head to my grandfather's for his birthday and then right out to spend the weekend with our friends. I love to travel.


Erica said...

Sounds like you have a wonderful January planned. I can't wait to see pics from your getaway in the mountains. Spa day sounds fantastic as well. Jack ran away for 7 hours? I would have a heart attack if frank ran away.

Erica said...

ow- just saw your comment. Yayy for the truck and for going for the certification! You rock ;)

Anonymous said...

omg, ur dog ran away for 7 hours?!?!?! I would be a complete wreck! i can't even imagine what that was like =(

Anonymous said...

Yummy food pictures!
i absolutely love how you list body mind soul. theme is very unique and awesome ;]