About Me

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I am currently working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition and requirements for Registered Dietician R.D. I plan to run my first full marathon in 2009. This blog is about everything I learn, eat, and do along the way. Cheers!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Blueberry Egg White Oats ?

I have no idea what made me come up with that. I wanted protein, and I wanted to use my egg whites for that. I didn't want just scrambled eggies , wasn't in the mood for it. I wanted something sweet and didn't want oatmeal ( despite that I have four different types of oats and no bread left).

So I "messed up" before making the batter for french toast with blueberries http://runlmo1.blogspot.com/2008/12/semi-stuffed-french-toast.html - that french toast came out fantastic, but I didnt want to throw away the leftover egg-blueberry batter- so it came out very odd- like blueberry scrambled eggs but with the milk in the batter it came out more like cake. So I thought I would intentionally try to make it today,
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I ate all of it- I liked it as much as the pumpkin oatmeal mixes I usually do! However, I do want to "work on" the recipe so as a general recap it included: egg whites, blueberries, sprinkle of oats, milk, cinnamon. It didn't "look" good enough to me so I topped it with coconut, flaxseed butter, and almonds.
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Snowman Says "Yes Ma`m"

I still wanted more of "something"... so I made a coffee with milk... did the trick to finish up my meal.
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I am out of canned pumpkin, bread, Smart Balance Oil and frozen fruit, oh no!

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We may or may not be heading to Nana's this weekend- Jeff has not been able to get christmas shopping done and the rest of the family will not be there either-

My mom is maybe on here way?... My dad woke up sick ( get well dad! sorry you aren't feeling well! love you) so not sure what the plan is for today.

*update to last night*
Some people actually asked me "so what do you do when you have a piece of chocolate or something "bad" ?" ..... which is hard to address the "bad" part because I refuse to acknowledge that FOOD is bad ( FOOD -not nutrients- i.e I consider saturated/trans fats as "bad" for your health but they are not a FOOD. Food that contains them is not necessarily "bad" because the FOOD offers many other "good" nutrients )

Anyway- I told them I just take a picture of whatever it is or write about it the next day. Last night Jeff and I watched a movie together on the couch and it was just so nice to snuggle. We stayed up way too late. I had:

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Chocolate chips... (milk chocolate)

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and some mini reese's pieces.


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Reese's pieces!! Nostalgia alert!!

Happy Friday!! :-)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the beer recommendations! i've seen that Rogue Dead Guy Ale in the store before, so I think I'll have to give it a try now.

PS. reese's pieces are my favorite :)

Caitlin said...

No bad food, just better choices sometimes...right? The nutrition mantra:) Plus sometimes you just have to have those Reese's Pieces!